
Thursday, 21 September 2017

Analog to Digital (ADC) and Digital to Analog (DAC) conversion processes

Analog to Digital converter (ADC) converts analog input signal to Digital output signal in an efficient way. There are 3 steps involved in converting into the output signal i.e 
- Signal is sampled
- Sampled signal is Quantized
- Quantized signal is digitally coded.

Analog to Digital converters (ADC) convert analog signals like pressure, voltage, temperature, current or light intensity into digital representation of that signal. This digital signal is then processed and modulated to get the result.

Quantization is a process of taking a continuous voltage signal and mapping it to discrete number of voltage levels. The number of quantization level is in the power of 2. i.e 
                       N = 2n

If you need speed then use fast ADC , if you need precision then use an accurate ADC or if you are constrained in space then use compact ADC. All types of ADC's works on the same principle as they need to convert a signal to a certain number of bits N. 

A DAC (Digital to Analog Converter) on the other hand has a binary input and analog output like voltage or current signal.

And with the combination of ADC and DAC the circuit looks like this-

They are mostly used in digital systems to provide complete interface with analog sensors and output devices for control systems.

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