
Saturday, 12 August 2017

Cloud Computing - A growing demand and a bright future of next generation

Cloud computing is a broad terminology wherein the users and organizations will store and process their data in order to make data accessing mechanisms more efficient and reliable. It enables access to shared computing resources like computer networks, servers, storage, applications and services which can be accessed with minimal effort.

Previously as organizations rely on deploying hardware resources and servers that are very costly. Cloud computing has reduced this need to a great extent as all the resources will be configured in cloud or in remote servers and if more resources required then that also can be managed with minimal effort.

Most of the organizations prefer cloud to store their data and get access to different services that are provided by cloud providers as there is low chance of data lost, high security , high speed. Also, most of the companies prefer to migrate their applications, their data to cloud providers.

There are different Public Cloud providers. Out of that the top 3 cloud providers are Amazon web services, Microsoft and google.

Amazon web services (AWS) is a leading public cloud provider and has different services

EC2 - This is a remote virtual machine.
EBS - This is storage of EC2 instance
S3 - There is good storage capacity in terms of bucket and objects.
ELB - This is the Load balancer that balances the traffic between different EC2 instances, Availability Zones.
Auto Scaling - It automatically increases or decreases the traffic based on the requirements.

And many more services are available that helps to manage the infrastructure.

Cloud Computing characteristics and benefits

Self service Provisioning - End users can spin up compute resources for almost any type of workload on demand. This eliminates the need of IT administrators to provision and manage compute resources.
Elasticity - Companies can scale up as computing needs increase and scale down again as demands decrease. This eliminates the need for massive investments in local infrastructure, which may or may not remain active.
Pay per use - Users have to pay only for the resources they use.
Migration flexibility - Organizations can move certain workloads to or from the cloud or to different cloud platforms as desired or automatically for better cost savings or to use new services as they emerge.

Cloud Computing Deployment models

Cloud computing can be private, public or hybrid.

Private Cloud - The cloud platform that is dedicated to a specific organization.
Public Cloud - The cloud that is dedicated to a shared users and shared no of organizations.
Hybrid Cloud - The cloud that has both private and public cloud and that basically used for migration.

Types of Cloud Computing Services

- Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
- Software as a Service (SaaS)
- Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Cloud Computing has advanced features, specifications and services. It is highly being used as it is advanced in security, storage, speed and other aspects as well.

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